Portuguese Egg Tarts & Cake Bread Workshop by Overseas Instructor Chuah Hock Leng
Portuguese Egg Tarts & Cake Bread (Rotikek) Workshop by Overseas Instructor Chuah Hock Leng
葡式蛋挞 与 Roti Kek 课程 ~ 外国老师福龙

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Portuguese Egg Tarts & Cake Bread (Roti Kek) Workshop by Overseas Instructor Chuah Hock Leng
葡式蛋挞 与 Roti Kek 课程 ~ 外国老师福龙
Our overseas guest instructor Hock Leng will be coming to Singapore to impart his baking expertise and tips he has gained through the years within the baking industry. Instructor Hock Leng runs his own baking studio in Malaysia and has been invited to many states in Malaysia to teach his workshops.
The origin of Portuguese Egg Tarts is from Portugal. After that, [Portuguese Egg Tarts] were introduced to various Portuguese colonies, also to Macau, and then to Hong Kong, Taiwan, China and the whole world.
Freshly baked egg tarts, a rich aroma of butter and eggs. The golden tart surface, with the egg liquid, results in rich and tempting tart, and the puff pastry is crispy and fragrant, and the egg liquid is silky. the crispy surface is definitely not caramel.
Workshop Content:
1️⃣ How to make tart skin
2️⃣ How to prepare the egg mixture and bake a caramelized surface
3️⃣ Students can bring back their own handmade products~ (10 pieces of Macau Portuguese egg tart)
4️⃣ Newbies with no baking experience are also welcome to sign up
5️⃣ Instructor will be guiding patiently by the side

♥ This Workshop will be conducted in Mandarin with English translation (Chinese / English recipe).
【澳门葡京蛋挞】+ 【Roti Kek】- 外国老师福龙
1️⃣ 如何制作挞皮
2️⃣ 学生亲手制作
3️⃣ 如何调制蛋液,烤出有如焦糖般的表层
4️⃣ 有老师在旁耐心指导
5️⃣ 学生可带回亲手制作品~(10粒 澳门葡京蛋挞)
6️⃣ 无烘焙经验的新手们 ,也欢迎报名参与
时间:下午 9.30 pm – 4.15 pm/ till finish
学费:SGD 198
询问课程/报名可联系 WhatsApp Sharon +65-9688 2777
Bio Chuah Hock Leng
Instructor Hock Leng stepped into the baking industry since he was 17 years old to learn from several veteran baking chefs various pastries and cakes. To-date, he possesses about 30 years of baking experience and inherited valuable & great skills from many veteran and highly experienced chefs. Instructor Hock Leng has been teaching for the last 7 years and has been invited to many states in Malaysia to teach.
Registration Process
- Kindly confirm with Sharon via WhatsApp at +65-9688 2777 if there are still available seats for the workshop before proceeding with the online registration.
- Complete the registration online by clicking “Add to Cart”, followed by “View Cart”, then “Proceed to Checkout”. Complete your particulars & add remarks in the section “Order Notes (optional)” eg Workshop Date / Time (if more than 1 option is available), Account Holder Name (if different from the name you registered for the class) and your Friend’s name & hp number if you are signing up for others.
- Please make Payment via Paynow / Paylah / Bank Transfer etc. with remarks during transfer your Name (if your account holder name is different from the name you registered for the class), Order number & Class Date.
- Important Step: Whatsapp Sharon at +6596882777 with a screenshot of payment receipt & Online Order # and advise participant’s mobile number (if you are making payment on behalf of others).
- Once payment & payment receipt has been sent, your booking is confirmed and we will reserve a seat(s) for you.
- Two days before the workshop, we will send out reminder WhatsApp messages, address, map, directions & a list of things to take note of to all paid participants.
Whatsapp 私讯 Sharon at +65-9688 2777 to sign up/enquire & to avoid missing out on your messages.
Check out our other workshops’ listing: