Asian Fusion Sichuan Vegan & Meatless Dumplings (Part 1) Culinary Workshop by Chef Soo Leng

Asian Fusion Sichuan Vegan & Meatless Dumplings (Part 1) Culinary Workshop by Chef Soo Leng


Dates/Timings to choose from:

▶ Private or Teambonding Workshop (min 6 pax)

▶ Duration: 2 hours


**Please read our Terms and Conditions before you proceed to register for the class.


Hot & Spicy Vegan / Meatless Dumplings with Sichuan Chilli Oil (for Healthier Choice!) [Part 1] by Chef Soo Leng
(Small Class Size!)
With the global shift to Plant-based Diet as one of our solutions to preserve the earth, Plant-based Food is not just a healthier diet choice, it addresses growing concerns about health and the environment.
We happen to know how to make these foods delicious, eye-catching and healthy and surprisingly nice, according to some former students’ reviews!
Learning Points:
1) How to make Soft & Springy coloured Homemade Dumpling skin using 2 types of natural food colouring (Individual Work). No Artificial Food colouring added
2) Filling 1: Miso Eggplant (Pair Work)
3) How to make Sichuan Chilli Oil (Chef Demo)
4) How to create various interesting shapes with the dumpling skin (Individual Work)
5) Techniques on how to pan fry dumpling skin (Individual Work)


Students will bring home their own creations plus a portion of the Sichuan Chilli Oil.


Dates/Timings to choose from:

▶ Private or Teambonding Workshop (min 6 pax)

▶ Duration: 2 hours


Fees / 学费: To Be Advised


Please WhatsApp Sharon at 9688 2777 if you are keen to:

  1. Join other culinary or baking workshops (on mailing list)
  2. Form a private workshop (min. pax applies)
  3. Online Pre-recorded Workshop / Zoom Live Workshop


Studio Venue/ 地点:ArtZ Baking & Culinary

466 Crawford Lane #02-16 Singapore 190466

(4-min walk from Lavender MRT Exit A, Corner Studio, directly above Tai Hwa Eating House at Blk 466)

劳明达地铁站出口A (Lavender MRT Exit A) – 走路🚶‍♀️4分钟


▶ Whatsapp Sharon at +65-9688 2777 to sign up/enquire & to avoid missing out on your messages.


Check out our other workshops’ listing:

 Studio Classes

 Online Classes


Bio – Instructor Soo Leng

Culinary Instructor Soo Leng is a self-taught chef, who successfully made a career switch from a full-time marketeer in an international F&B MNC to a private home chef in 2017. She subsequently graduated from At-Sunrice private chef academy and had also mastered the art of gelato making at Carpigiani University.

Soo Leng first started as a home host at an online food sharing platform, Dine Inn offering her private dining services. In 2018, she was accredited as one of the Master hosts at Dine Inn based on reviews and popularity amongst the guests. Motivated by the positive feedback, she now helms her own private home dining OMY!, dishing out her modern adaptations on Heritage Chinese and Asian cuisine. OMY! Kitchen was also voted No. 2 SG private home dining by Tally Press.

For the past few years, Soo Leng was also a culinary instructor at a culinary studio, focusing on creative Asian healthy cooking classes to their community of over 2000 members. She has also collaborated with Dine Inn, Ayam Brand, Marigold, Singapore Food Agency and a consumer electronics company, focusing on recipe development and cooking workshops.


**Please read our Terms and Conditions before you proceed to register for the class.


Registration Process

  1. Kindly confirm with Sharon via WhatsApp at +65-9688 2777 if there are still available seats for the workshop before proceeding with the online registration.
  2. Complete the registration online by clicking “Add to Cart”, followed by “View Cart”, then “Proceed to Checkout”. Complete your particulars & add remarks in the section “Order Notes (optional)” eg Workshop Date / Time (if more than 1 option is available), Account Holder Name (if different from the name you registered for the class) and your Friend’s name & hp number if you are signing up for others.
  3. Please make Payment via Paynow / Paylah / Bank Transfer etc. with remarks during transfer your Name (if your account holder name is different from the name you registered for the class), Order number & Class Date.
  4. Important Step: Whatsapp Sharon at +6596882777 with a screenshot of payment receipt & Online Order # and advise participant’s mobile number (if you are making payment on behalf of others).
  5. Once payment & payment receipt have been sent, your booking is confirmed and we will reserve a seat(s) for you.
  6. Two days before the workshop, we will send out reminder WhatsApp messages, address, map, directions & a list of things to take note of to all paid participants.


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