Online Baking Class Tiramisu Box Cakes 提拉米苏盒子蛋糕 (Pre-recorded) by Overseas Instructor Chua Mei Tze
《 Tiramisu Box Cakes 提拉米苏盒子蛋糕 》Online Baking Class by Overseas Instructor Chua Mei Tze 蔡美思(via Facebook Private Group)
Pre-recorded Online Class: Own Time Own Target
**Please read our Terms and Conditions before you proceed to register for the class.
《 Tiramisu Box Cakes 提拉米苏盒子蛋糕 》Online Baking Class by Overseas Instructor Chua Mei Tze 蔡美思(via Facebook Private Group)
Tea Time / Party Desserts
Pre-recorded Online Class – you can watch unlimited times on the recorded online classes at your own convenience via a Facebook Private Group! Lifetime Access!
♥ Fit for Beginners, Baking Enthusiasts & Mummies/Daddies looking for ideas to delight the young.
♥ Simple Ingredients, Easy to master techniques to make
Refreshing sweet Fruits on top, Rich fruit jam, with a middle layer of smooth textured Tiramisu, bottom layer with soft and moist sponge cake
Lavish Layers of Varied Textures, you would love this!
Class Content:
Moist & Soft Sponge Cake Making (Egg Separation Method)
3 Types of Tiramisu Making (Salted Caramel, Mixed Berries, Summer)
Salted Caramel Making
Special Sugar Syrup and Fruit Conserve Making
Eye-catching Decorations
Assembly, Decorations, Costing etc.
Fees / 学费: SGD 50
上层水果清甜夹着浓郁的果酱 中层口感顺滑的提拉米苏 下层湿润柔软的海绵蛋糕
口感层次丰富 一口你就会爱上它
3款百搭提拉米苏制作 (焦糖海盐,莓果,夏日)
组装 装饰 成本 售价
♥ 视频可以永久无限回看
♥ 有问题可以随时在私密群组发问
♥ 欲参与的朋友,欢迎点击“Add To Cart”的链接报名
This Online Class will be conducted in Mandarin with Chinese recipe.
Watch & Learn in the comfort and safety of your home… Own time, Own target. Ongoing, no expiry date
Lifetime Access via respective Facebook Private Groups for Paid Students: You can repeat the video as many times as you like, to master making this cake.
Registration Process
- Complete the registration online by clicking “Add to Cart”, followed by “View Cart”, then “Proceed to Checkout”. Complete your particulars & add remarks in the section “Order notes (optional)” eg your friend’s name & hp number if you are signing up for others.
- Please make Payment via Paynow / Paylah / Bank Transfer etc. with remarks during transfer your name & Class name. Strictly No Refund will be entertained for Online Classes, as these classes can be accessed unlimited times on an ongoing basis.
- Important Step: Whatsapp Sharon at +6596882777 with a screenshot of your Facebook profile page, payment receipt, Online Order # and advise participant’s mobile number (if you are making payment on behalf of others).
- Please note that 1 Payment is only valid for 1 Facebook account to access the online class.
- Once we verify your payment is received, we will revert within 48 hours with a link for you to access the online baking class and a bilingual or English or Chinese recipe in a private Facebook group.
- Please click on the link & send in a request to join that private Facebook group. Once you are admitted into that group, students will be able to view the recipes and videos, type their questions / queries directly in the closed group. The instructor will address those queries directly through the respective private Facebook groups.
- You must have an existing & functioning Facebook account to join the online classes to access the recipes, templates (if any) and videos. We regret we will not be able to email or send videos, recipes, templates (if any) directly to anyone.
- Please contact Facebook Help Centre directly for help if you happen to encounter any restrictions / problems with your Facebook account. We regret we are not in the position to help resolve any technical issues pertaining to students’ Facebook accounts.
Whatsapp 私讯 Sharon at +65-9688 2777 to sign up/enquire & to avoid missing out on your messages.
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