Confinement / Nourishing Food Hands-on Culinary Workshop (Traditional/Fusion) by Veteran Instructor Tay Tong San


Confinement / Nourishing Food Hands-on Culinary Workshop (Traditional/Fusion) by Veteran Instructor Tay Tong San


Dates / Times to Choose from:

▶ Private Workshop (min 6 paying participants)

▶ Time: 10.30 am – 1.30 pm or 1.30 pm – 4.30 pm (Duration: 3 hours)


**Please read our Terms and Conditions before you proceed to register for the class.


Having difficulty engaging a confinement lady to cook nourishing confinement food, due to Covid restrictions / constraints?

Feeling nervous having a stranger in your house during the Covid period?

Why not learn how to prepare these confinement meals?  They are not only nourishing to post-natal mummies, they are also great nourishing food for most people.

Cost Savings & More Reassuring if you can get a trusted person (mother / mother-in-law/helper) to cook for you…


ArtZ Baking & Culinary is pleased to have our Veteran Instructor, Mdm Tay Tong San with over 10 years of culinary experience to conduct this long-awaited hands-on Confinement Food workshop.

Small Class Size with safe distancing & precautionary measures in place!

Confinement Food Workshop (hands-on) by Veteran Instructor Tay Tong San

This hands-on workshop will equip you with well-kept techniques and tips to cook delicious & nourishing Confinement food. We will be designing a series of upcoming Confinement Food workshops to educate and impart knowledge and tips to cook nutritious & healthier confinement food.

What you will learn in this hands-on workshop:

  1. Hakka Rice Wine 客家糯米酒 – how to make this renowned confinement wine (Hands-on)
  2. Red Rice Vinasse Chicken Mee Sua 红糟鸡面线 (Hands-on)
  3. Red Glutinous Rice Wine – how to make from scratch (Demo)
  4. Baked Ginger Chicken Rice 姜焗鸡饭(Bonus Demo)
  5. DangShen Longan Red Dates Tea 党参龙眼红枣茶 (Bonus Demo)

Fee Includes:

  • Introduction to the ingredients and recipes
  • Demonstration by our Instructor in a professional, spacious and cozy Baking & Culinary Studio at ArtZ Baking & Culinary Studio, followed by Hands-on by participants
  • Discussion with Instructor on tips, techniques, knowledge on confinement food etc.
  • Each participant will bring home their own cooked Confinement Food after the workshop. Participants will sample the Bonus Demo Items & a small portion of the freshly made Red Glutinous Rice Wine during the workshop.

Students are advised to bring along 1 glass bottle and 1 small glass jar to carry their Hakka Rice Wine and Red Glutinous Rice Wine home.


Dates / Times to Choose from:

▶ Private Workshop (min 6 paying participants)

▶ Time: 10.30 am – 1.30 pm or 1.30 pm – 4.30 pm (Duration: 3 hours)

Hands-on Workshop Fees: SGD 148/pax


Workshop can be taught in both Mandarin and English with bilingual recipes provided.

** Please Whatsapp Sharon at 96882777 if you are keen to learn Confinement Food dishes as we will organising more in the coming months from Instructor Tay’s 50+ Confinement Dishes list! Also indicate the dishes you are keen to learn as well.


Instructor’s Bio:

A Native Teochew, Chef Tay developed her passion for cooking, especially for traditional and local cuisines since young through the influence of her mother. She is always curious about experimenting with different types of recipes to bring her culinary skills to perfection. As her interest in the Culinary Arts grew, she naturally began to perfect her techniques in the making of Teochew dishes. She has attended many professional baking and cooking workshops to hone her culinary skills. Over the years, she has also mastered renowned Hakka Cuisine from her husband’s family. Like Hakka Rice Wine for Confinement, Hakka Rice Wine Chicken, Red Fermented Wine Chicken etc. Through these learning experiences, her love for cooking increases by each day, and she continually improves her culinary skills, and always intrigued to find out more about the world of food.

To share her passion and knowledge of cooking and baking, she has become a trainer for private schools/institutions and various community centers, as well as a certified PA Culinary Instructor since 2006.

Professional Qualifications (Certificates)

Statement of Attainment from Asian Culinary Institute of Singapore
Attendance Cert (Healthy Cooking) from PA, Health Promotion Board & SHATEC
ITE Cert (Baking) from Institute of Technical Education


Register / Enquire through Sharon HP: 9688 2777 (Whatsapp) or request for private workshops.

Private Workshops (On Request / Advance Notice / Subject to Studio / Instructors’ availability): min 5 pax


Seat will only be reserved upon payment receipt via Pay Now / PayLah! / Internet Bank / ATM Transfer.

#ConfinementFoodClass #ConfinementFoodWorkshop #ConfinementFood #ConfinementFoodCookingClass #月子菜 #月子菜烹饪班 #月子菜烹饪课


Registration Process

  1. Kindly confirm with Sharon via WhatsApp at +65-9688 2777 if there are still available seats for the workshop before proceeding with the online registration.
  2. Complete the registration online by clicking “Add to Cart”, followed by “View Cart”, then “Proceed to Checkout”. Complete your particulars & add remarks in the section “Order Notes (optional)” eg Workshop Date / Time (if more than 1 option is available), Account Holder Name (if different from the name you registered for the class) and your Friend’s name & hp number if you are signing up for others.
  3. Please make Payment via Paynow / Paylah / Bank Transfer etc. with remarks during transfer your Name (if your account holder name is different from the name you registered for the class), Order number & Class Date.
  4. Important Step: Whatsapp Sharon at +6596882777 with a screenshot of payment receipt & Online Order # and advise participant’s mobile number (if you are making payment on behalf of others).
  5. Once payment & payment receipt have been sent, your booking is confirmed and we will reserve a seat(s) for you.
  6. Two days before the workshop, we will send out reminder WhatsApp messages, address, map, directions & a list of things to take note of to all paid participants.

**Please read our Terms and Conditions before you proceed to register for the class.


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